Timothy C. Hain, MD ("Dizzy-Doctor")

Link to pdf version of clinic intake questionnaire

Dr. Hain

Clinical Associate at UChicago Medicine (355 E Grand, Chicago, 60611).Professor Emeritus, at Northwestern University Medical School, in Chicago IL, USA.
On medical staff at University of Chicago Medicine
Education: MD and Neurology Residency: University of Illinois, Chicago IL. • Board certified in Neurology (1981) •Fellowship: Johns Hopkins University (Neurophysiology and Neuro-ophthalmology).
CLINICAL OFFICE LOCATION:Patients are seen at University of Chicago Medicine•355 E Grand, Chicago IL, 60611•Clinic Questionnaire
Moving: Dr. Hain is soon moving to another practice location (from the U. Chicago). His last day at U. Chicago is 8/15/2024. We will update this information on 8/16/2024.

Web site:https://www.dizziness-and-balance.com. This is an "online book".

Dr. Hain is locally known as the "Dizzy Doctor". Dr. Hain's clinical activities naturally "revolve" around evaluating and treating dizzy individuals as well as persons with hearing disturbances. He is particularly interested in vestibular migraine, Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo, gentamicin toxicity, SCD as well as cervical vertigo. (: maybe a few too many interests here :).


Many colorful awards. Dr. Hain has been included in the Best Doctors in America on numerous occasions by US News and World Report, and yearly in best doctors in Chicago by Chicago Magazine.


Dr. Hain has been writing for a long time about dizziness and related issues. Some of his publications are available online on the ResearchGate site. A general discussion of his research is here:

--- Journal Articles

  1. Robinson DA, Zee DS, Hain TC, Holmes AM, Rosenberg LF: Alexander's law -- its behavior and origin in the human vestibulo-ocular reflex. Ann. Neurology., 16:714-722, 1984.
  2. Kapoula ZA, Robinson DA, Hain TC: Motion of the eye immediately after a saccade. Experimental. Brain Research., 61:386-394, 1986.
  3. Hain TC, Zee DS, Mordes M: Blink-induced saccadic oscillations. Annals Neurology., 19:299-301, 1986.
  4. Hain TC: A model of the nystagmus induced by off-vertical axis rotation. Biological Cybernetics, 54:337-350, 1986.
  5. Fetter M, Hain TC, Zee DS: Influence of eye and head position on the vestibulo-ocular reflex. Experimental. Brain Research., 64:208-216, 1986.
  6. Lasker AG, Zee DS, Hain TC, Folstein S: Saccadic eye movements in Huntington's Disease: Initiation defects and distractibility. Neurology, 37: 364-370, 1987.
  7. Zee DS, Hain TC, Carl JR: Abduction nystagmus in internuclear ophthalmoplegia. Annals Neurology., 21:383-388, 1987.
  8. Hain TC, Fetter M, Zee DS: Head-shaking nystagmus in unilateral peripheral vestibular lesions. American J. Otolaryngology., 8:36-47, 1987.
  9. Kapoula Z, Hain TC, Zee DS, Robinson DA: Adaptive changes in post-saccadic drift induced by patching one eye. Vision Research, 27:1299-1307, 1987.
  10. Hain TC, Zee DS, Maria B: Tilt-suppression of the vestibulo-ocular reflex in patients with cerebellar lesions. Acta Otolaryngology. (Stockh), 105:13-20, 1988.
  11. Lasker AG, Zee DS, Hain TC, Folstein SF, Singer H: Saccades in Huntingtons disease: Slowing and dysmetria. Neurology, 38:427-431, 1988.
  12. Levin S, Luebke A, Hain TC, Zee DS, Robinson DA, Holzman PS: Smooth pursuit eye movements in schizophrenics: quantitative measurements with the search-coil technique. J. Psych. Research, 22:195-206, 1988.
  13. Furman J, Hain TC, Paige G: Central adaptation model of the vestibulo-ocular and optokinetic systems. Biological. Cybernetics., 61:255-264, 1989.
  14. Tijssen M, Straathof C, Hain TC, Zee DS: Optokinetic afternystagmus in humans: normal values of amplitude, time constant and asymmetry. Annals Otology, Rhinolology, Laryngology, 98:741-746, 1989.
  15. Wei D, Hain TC, Proctor L: Head-shaking nystagmus: associations with canal paresis and hearing loss. Acta Otology. 108: 362-367, 1989.
  16. Hain TC, Luebke A: Phoria adaptation in patients with cerebellar lesions. Investigative Ophthalmology. 1990.
  17. Tusa RJ, Kaplan PW, Hain TC, Naidu S. Ipsiversive eye deviation and epileptic nystagmus, Neurology, 1990.
  18. Fletcher WA, Hain TC, Zee DS: Optokinetic nystagmus and afternystagmus in human beings: relationship to nonlinear processing of information about retinal slip. Experimental Brain Research, 1990.
  19. Hain TC, Buettner UE: Static roll and the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR). Experimental Brain Research. 82:463-471, 1990.
  20. Ashe J, Hain TC, Zee DS: Microsaccadic oscillation -- a new clinical syndrome. Brain, 114, 461-472, 1991.
  21. Hain TC, Zee DS: Abolition of optokinetic afternystagmus by aminoglycoside ototoxicity. Annals Otology. 100:580-583, 1991.
  22. Hain TC, Patel G: Slow-cumulative Eye Position to Quantify Optokinetic Afternystagmus. Annals Otology. 101:255-260, 1992.
  23. Zee DS, Hain, TC: Clinical Implications of Otolith-Ocular Reflexes. American Journal of Otology, 13, 152-157, 1992.
  24. Hanson DG, Logemann JA, Hain TC: Differential diagnosis of spasmodic dysphonia: a kinetic perspective. J. Voice 6, 3-, 1992.
  25. Tusa RT, Zee DS, Hain TC: Voluntary control of congenital nystagmus, Clinical Vision Sciences 7, 195-210, 1992.
  26. Herdman SJ, Sandusky AL, Hain TC, Zee DS, Tusa RJ: Characteristics of postural stability in patients with gentamicin toxicity. J. Vestibular Research. 4:71-80, 1994.
  27. Hain TC, Herdman SJ, Holliday MS, Mattox D, Zee DS, Byskosh AT: The localizing value of optokinetic afternystagmus. Annals ORL, 806-811, 1994.
  28. Harvey SA, Hain TC, Adamiec LC: Modified liberatory maneuver: Effective treatment for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. Laryngoscope 104:1206-1212, 1994.
  29. Hain TC: Treatment of Vertigo. The Neurologist. 1: 125-133, 1995.
  30. Young NM, Johnson JC, Mets B, Hain TC: Cochlear implants in young children with Usher's syndrome. Annals ORL, supplement 166, 104, 9, part-II, 342-345, 1995.
  31. Rascol O, Hain TC, Benazet M, Clanet M, Montastruc JL: Antivertigo Medications and Drug-Induced Vertigo. Drugs 50(5):777-791, 1995.
  32. Young NM, Mets M, Hain TC: Early Diagnosis of Usher Syndrome in Infants and Children. Am. J. Otology, 17:1, 30-34, 1996.
  33. Rogers MW, Hain TC, Hanke TA, Janssen I: Effects of stimulus parameters and inertial load on the incidence of protective stepping responses in healthy human subjects. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 77:363-368, 1996.
  34. Peng GCY, Hain TC, Peterson BW: A dynamical model for reflex activated head movements in the horizontal plane. Biological Cybernetics, 75, 309-319, 1996.
  35. Ostrowski VB, Hain TC, Wiet R: Pressure Induced Ocular Torsion. Archives in Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery. 1997.
  36. Hain TC, Ostrowski, VB. Limits of Normal for Pressure Sensitivity in the Fistula Test. Audiology and Neuro-otology 2:384-390, 1997
  37. Burnett TA, Freedland MB, Larson CR, Hain TC. Voice F0 Responses to Manipulations in Pitch Feedback, , J. Acoustical Soc America, 103, 3153-3161, 1998
  38. Riggs LC, Shofner WP, Shah AR, Young MR, Hain TC, Matz GJ. Ototoxicity resulting from combined administration of metronidazole and gentamicin. Am J Otol 1999 Jul;20(4):430-4
  39. Hain TC, Hanna P, Rheinberger M. Mal de Debarquement Syndrome.Archives of Otolaryngology-Head Neck Surgery, 1999:125:615-620, Also see local link to Mal de Debarquement, and PDF file at Arch Otolaryngol site
  40. Hain TC, Fuller L, Weil L, Kotsias J. Effects of T'ai Chi on Balance. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 1999 Nov;125(11):1191-5. Also see study description and PDF file on Arch Otolaryngol site.
  41. Keshner EA, Hain TC, Chen KJ. J Vestib Res 1999;9(6):423-34 Predicting control mechanisms for human head stabilization by altering the passive mechanics.
  42. Peng GC, Hain TC, Peterson BW. IEEE Trans Biomed Eng 1999 Nov;46(11):1269-80. Predicting vestibular, proprioceptive, and biomechanical control strategies in normal and pathological head movements.
  43. Hain TC, Burnett TA, Kiran S, Larson CR, Singh S, Kenney MK. Exp Brain Res 2000 Jan;130(2):133-41. Instructing subjects to make a voluntary response reveals the presence of two components to the audio-vocal reflex.
  44. Larson CR, Burnett TA, Kiran S, Hain TC. J Acoust Soc Am 2000 Jan;107(1):559-64. Effects of pitch-shift velocity on voice Fo responses.
  45. Hain TC, Helminski JO, Reis IL, Uddin K. Vibration does not improve results of the canalith repositioning procedure. Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg, May 2000, 126(5) 617-22
  46. Fife TD, Tusa RJ, Furman JM, Zee DS, Frohman E, Baloh RW, Hain T, Goebel J, Demer J, Eviatar L. Assessment: vestibular testing techniques in adults and children: Report of the therapeutic and technology subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology. Neurology, 2000, 55:10, 1431-1441
  47. Ostrowski V, Hain TC. Vectorial analysis of the Tullio's phenomenon associated with superior canal dehiscence. Otology and Neurotology, 22:61,2001
  48. Hain TC, Burnett TA, Larson CR, and Kiran S,. Effects of delayed auditory feedback (DAF) on the pitch-shift reflex. J. Acoustical Soc. Am 109 (5), May 2001 50.
  49. Larson CR, Burnett TA, Bauer JJ, Kiran S, Hain TC. Comparison of voice F0 responses to pitch-shift onset and offset conditions. J. Acoust Soc Am, 110 (6), Dec 2001, 2865-2648
  50. Peterson BW, Choi H, Hain T, Keshner E, Peng GC. (2001) Dynamic and kinematic strategies for head movement control. Ann N.Y.Acad Sci. 942:381-93.
  51. Chiu B, Hain TC. Periodic alternating nystagmus provoked by an attack of Meniere's disease. J. Neuro-ophthalmology 2002;22:107-109
  52. Chen KJ, Keshner EA ,Peterson BW, Hain TC, Modeling head tracking of visual targets. JVR 12, 2002, 25-33
  53. Mamikoglu B, Wiet RJ, Hain T, Check IJ. Increased CD4+ T cells during acute attack of Meniere's disease.Acta Otolaryngol 2002 Dec;122(8):857-60
  54. Hain TC, Uddin M. Pharmacological treatment of vertigo CNS Drugs 2003;17(2):85-100
  55. Simoneau M,. Tinker S, Hain TC, and Lee WA. Effects of predictive mechanisms on head stability during forward trunk perturbation. Exp Brain Res .148(3): 338-49. (2003).
  56. Hoistad DL. and Hain TC. "Central hearing loss with a bilateral inferior colliculus lesion." Audiol Neurootol 8(2): 111-3. ,2003.
  57. Brenner M, Hoistad D, Hain TC. Prevalence of thyroid dysfunction in Meniere's Disease. Archives of Oto HNS, 130/2 226-228 (2004)
  58. Squires, T.M., et al., A mathematical model for top-shelf vertigo: the role of sedimenting otoconia in BPPV. J Biomech, 2004. 37(8): p. 1137-46.
  59. Yacovino DA, Hain TC. (Article in Spanish) [Neck vibration: Usefulness in neurotology] Rev Neurol. 2004 Jun 1-15;38(11):1061-6.
  60. Furman, J.M. and T.C. Hain, "Do try this at home": self-treatment of BPPV. Neurology, 2004. 63(1): p. 8-9.
  61. Yi Xu, Charles Larson, Jay Bauer, Timothy Hain "Compensation for pitch-shifted auditory feedback during the production of Mandarin tone sequences. JASA, 2004.
  62. Yacovino, D. A. and T. C. Hain. "[The pharmacology of vestibular disorders]." Rev Neurol39(4): 381-7. (2004)
  63. Moon I, Hain TC Delayed Quick Spins following Vestibular Nerve Section Respond to Anticonvulsant Medication. Otol Neurotol 26:82-85 (2005)
  64. Hain, T. C., T. M. Squires and H. A. Stone (2005). "Clinical implications of a mathematical model of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo." Ann N Y Acad Sci1039: 384-94.
  65. Helminski, J. O., I. Janssen, D. Kotaspouikis, Hain TC. (2005). "Strategies to prevent recurrence of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo." Arch Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 131(4): 344-8.
  66. Gurses S, Dhaher Y, Hain TC, et al. (2005). "Perturbation parameters associated with nonlinear responses of the head at small amplitudes." Chaos 15(2): 2005.
  67. Bauer J, Mittal J, Larson CR, Hain TC. Vocal responses to unanticipated perturbations in voice loudness feedback: An automatic mechanism for stabilizing voice amplitude. JASA April 2006 119(4) 2363-2371
  68. Hain, TC. Head-shaking Nystagmus and New Technology (Editorial). Neurology. 68: 17, 1333-1334 (2007)
  69. Keshner, E. A., J. Streepey, et al. (2007). "Pairing virtual reality with dynamic posturography serves to differentiate between patients experiencing visual vertigo." J Neuroengineering Rehabil 4(1): 24.
  70. Larson, C. R., J. Sun, et al. (2007). "Effects of simultaneous perturbations of voice pitch and loudness feedback on voice F0 and amplitude control." J Acoust Soc Am 121(5 Pt1): 2862-72.
  71. Helminski JO, Hain TC. Evaluation and Treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo. Annals of Long-Term Care: Clinical Care and Aging 2007;15[6]:33-39)
  72. Chang CP, Hain TC. "A theory for treating visual vertigo due to optical flow" CyberPsychology and Behavior. 9-2008
  73. Hain TC,  Cherchi M (2008). "Pulse-synchronous torsional pendular nystagmus in unilateral superior canal dehiscence." Neurology 70(14): 1217-8.
  74. Ajroud-Driss S , Sufit R, Siddique T, Hain TC. Oculomotor involvement in myotonic dystrophy type 2. Muscle and Nerve Published Online: Sep 10 2008
  75. Fife, T. D., D. J. Iverson, et al. (2008). "Practice parameter: therapies for benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (an evidence-based review): report of the Quality Standards Subcommittee of the American Academy of Neurology." Neurology 70(22): 2067-74.
  76. Larson, C. R., K. W. Altman, Liu H,  Hain TC. (2008). "Interactions between auditory and somatosensory feedback for voice F0 control." Exp Brain Res 187(4): 613-21.
  77. Simoneau, M., M. Denninger, Hain TC. (2008). "Role of loading on head stability and effective neck stiffness and viscosity." J Biomech.
  78. Rudisill HE. and Hain TC (2008). "Lower extremity myogenic potentials evoked by acoustic stimuli in healthy adults." Otol Neurotol 29(5): 688-92.
  79. Helminski JO, Hain TC. Daily exercise does not prevent recurrence of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo.  Otol Neurotol 29:976-961, 2008
  80. Cherchi, M., Bellinaso NP, Card K,  Covington A, Krumpe A, Pfeifer MS, Truitt A, Yoo H J, Rudisill  HE,  Hain TC. (2009). "Sound Evoked Triceps Myogenic Potentials." Otol Neurotol.
  81. Yacovino DA , Hain TC,  Gualtieri F.  (2009) New therapeutic maneuver for anterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo. J Neurol. Jun 18
  82. Shaikh AG, Hain TC, Zee DS. Oculomotor disorders in adult-onset Still's disease.  J. Neurol, Sept 13, (2009)
  83. Yacovino, D. A., T. C. Hain, et al. (2009). "New therapeutic maneuver for anterior canal benign paroxysmal positional vertigo." J Neurol 256(11): 1851-5. 83.
  84. Helminski JO, Zee DS, Janssen I, Hain TC. (2010). Effectiveness of particle repositioning maneuvers in the treatment of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo: a systematic review. Physical Therapy 90(5) 1-16 84.
  85. Cherchi M, Hain TC (2011). Migraine associated vertigo. Otolaryngol Clin North Am. Apr;44(2):367-75
  86. Hain, T. C. (2011). "Neurophysiology of vestibular rehabilitation." NeuroRehabilitation 29(2): 127-141.
  87. Yacovino DA, Hain TC. Clinical characteristics of cervicogenic-related dizziness and vertigo. Seminars in Neurology, 2013.
  88. Hain TC, Yacovino DA, Cherchi M. Bilateral vestibular loss. Seminars in Neurology, 2013 .
  89. Hain TC. (2015). "Cervicogenic causes of vertigo." Current opinion in neurology 28(1): 69-73.
  90. Shirley D, Cherchi M, Hain TC. (2015) Triceps acoustically evoked myogenic potentials in patients with spinal cord lesions (J. Neurol Neurophysiol; 6:2). (available online).
  91. Cherchi MC, El-Kholey W, Shirley D, Hain TC. (2015) Amplitude of sound evoked triceps myogenic potential scales with force. J. Neurol Neurophysiol; 6:2 (available online).
  92. Hain, T. C. and M. Cherchi (2016). "Mal de debarquement syndrome." Handb Clin Neurol 137: 391-395.
  93. Yacovino, D. A., et al. (2017). "Fluctuating Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex in Meniere's Disease." Otol Neurotol 38(2): 244-247.
  94. Hain TC, Cherchi M, Perez-Fernandez N. (2018)The gain-time constant product quantifies total vestibular output in bilateral vestibular loss. Front Neurol 11, June 2018
  95. Hain TC, Cherchi M, Yacovino DA. (2018) Bilateral vestibular weakness. Front Neurol, 31, May 2018.
  96. Yacovino, D. A., et al. (2018). "Characteristics of vestibular corrective saccades in patients with slow visual saccades, vestibular disorders and controls: A descriptive analysis." PLoS One 13(5): e0197079.
  97. Hain TC, Cherchi M (2019). Migraine associated vertigo. Adv in Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, vol 82. (eds: Lea and Pothier), 119-126
  98. Du, X., et al. (2020). "Loss-of-function BK channel mutation causes impaired mitochondria and progressive cerebellar ataxia." Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A.
  99. Xie T, Yuen CA , Kang, W, Padmanaban M, Hain TC, Nichols J. Severity of Downgaze Palsy in the Context of Disease Duration Could Estimate Survival Duration in Patients with Progressive Supranuclear Palsy


  1. Hain TC: Vertigo. in: Current Therapy in Neurology (Ed. R. Johnson), 1990, also In: Current Therapy in Internal Medicine (Ed. Kassirer), B. C. Decker, 1991, and also 2006.
  2. Hain TC, Zee DS: The Dizzy Patient: Diagnostic Approaches. In: Controversies in neurology (Ed. V. Hachinski, 1992).
  3. Hain TC: Oculomotor Testing: Background. in Handbook of Balance Function Testing (Ed. Jacobson and Newman), Mosby, 1992 (2nd edition)
  4. Hain TC: Oculomotor Testing: Interpretation. in Handbook of Balance Function Testing (Ed. Jacobson and Newman), Mosby, 1992 (2nd edn)
  5. Zee DS, Hain TC: Otolith-ocular reflexes. in The Vestibulo-Ocular Reflex and Vertigo (Ed. Sharpe JA, Barber HO), Raven, 1993
  6. Hain TC, Spindler J: Head-Shaking Nystagmus. In The Vestibulo- Ocular Reflex and Vertigo (Ed. Sharpe JA, Barber HO), Raven, 1993
  7. Hain TC, Hillman MA: Physiology of the vestibular system. in Vestibular Rehabilitation (Ed. S. Herdman), FA Davis, 1993 (also see 2nd edn)
  8. Hain TC, Herdman SJ. Dizziness in the Elderly. (Ed Sage JI, Mark MH) Practical Neurology of the Elderly. Marcel Dekker Pub, New York, NY 1996.
  9. Hain TC. Vertigo and Disequilibrium. In: Current Treatment in Neurologic Disease, 5th edn, Eds. R. Johnson and J. Griffin, p 8-12, 1997, also In: Current Therapy in Adult Medicine, 4th edn, Kassirir JP and Greene HL, Mosby, p 1358-1361, 1997.
  10. Hain TC. Approach to the Vertigo Patient In J. Biller (ed). Practical Neurology, Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, 1997 (2nd ed)
  11. Hain TC, Micco A. Disorders of the VIII cranial Nerve. Textbook of Clinical Neurology. , Goetz and Pappert, 1998. (2nd ed)
  12. Hain TC, Kotsias J, Pai CY. Tai Chi: Applications to Neurology. Chapter 19. Alternative and complementary treatment in Neurologic Illness, Weintraub MI, Ed. (Micozzi MS, senior editor). Churchill Livingstone, 2001. 248-254
  13. Hain TC. Approach to the Vertigo Patient. (Chapter) In J. Biller (ed). Practical Neurology, 2nd Edn Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia 2002
  14. Hain TC, Micco A. Cranial Nerve 8: Vestibulocochlear Nerve. Textbook of Neurology, Goetz and Pappert Ed, Saunders, 1998, 184-201
  15. Hain TC, Kotsias J, Pai CY. Tai Chi: Applications to Neurology. Chapter 19. Alternative and complementary treatment in Neurologic Illness, Weintraub MI, Ed. (Micozzi MS, senior editor). Churchill Livingstone, 2001. 248-254
  16. Hain TC, Micco A. Cranial Nerve 8: Vestibulocochlear Nerve. Textbook of Neurology, Goetz and Pappert Ed, Saunders, 2003, (2nd Edn)
  17. Hain TC, Helminski JC. Vestibular Reflexes. Encyclopedia of Neurological Sciences. (Eds: Aminoff M, Daroff R). Vol 4, pp 657-660, Academic Press, San Diego, 2003
  18. Hain TC, Helminski JC. Ototoxic Medications. Kent RD (ed), The MIT encyclopedia of communication disorders. pp 518-520, MIT Press, 2003
  19. Hain TC, Yacovino D. Episodic Vertigo. In Conn’s Current Therapy 2005
  20. Hain TC, Yacovino D. Mal de Debarquement. In Geriatric Otolaryngology (Calhoun KH, Eibling DE Eds) Marcel Dekker, NY, NY. 2006, 125-133
  21. Hain TC, Helminski JO. Physiology of the vestibular system. in "Vestibular Rehabilitation" (Ed. S. Herdman), 2007
  22. Hain TC, Helminski JO. Mal de Debarquement. in "Vestibular Rehabilitation" (Ed. S. Herdman, 2007)
  23. Hain TC, Rudisill H. Practical Anatomy and Physiology of the Oculomotor System.  Chapter for the Handbook of Balance Function (ed. Jacobson, 2008)
  24. Hain TC. Approach to the Vertigo Patient  In J. Biller (ed). Practical Neurology 2nd edition, Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, (2008)
  25. Cherchi, M. and T. Hain (2010). Provocative Maneuvers for Vestibular Disorders. Vertigo and Imbalance: Clinical Neurophysiology of the Vestibular System. S. Eggers and D. S. Zee (Editors) , Elsevier.
  26. Hain TC, Helminski JC. Ototoxic Medications. Kent RD (ed), The MIT encyclopedia of communication disorders.  2011
  27. Hain TC. Approach to the Vertigo Patient  In J. Biller (ed). Practical Neurology 3rd edition, Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia, 2011
  28. Hain TC, Cherchi M. Vestibular reflexes. In Aminoff (ed). Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences. Elsevier, 2014 2.
  29. Hain TC. Ewald J Richard. In Aminoff (ed). In Encyclopedia of the Neurological Sciences, Elsevier, 2014
  30. Hain TC, Helminski JO. Physiology of the vestibular system. in "Vestibular Rehabilitation" (Ed. S. Herdman), 2014
  31. Hain TC, Helminski JO. Mal de Debarquement. in "Vestibular Rehabilitation" (Ed. S. Herdman, 2014)
  32. Hain, T. C. and M. Cherchi (2016). "Mal de debarquement syndrome." Handb Clin Neurol 137: 391-395.
  33. Hain, T. (2017). Approach to the Patient with Dizziness and Vertigo. Practical Neurology. J. Biller, Wolters Kluwer, Lippincott, Williams & Wilkins.
  34. Hain, T. C. and M. Cherchi (2018). Migraine Associated Vertigo. Dizziness and vertigo across the lifespan. A. Gleason and B. Kesser, Elsvier. 2018: 135-142.
  35. Hain TC and Cherchi M. Vestibular testing in Continuum. (A publication of the American Academy of Neurology)

Talks including some of the handouts:
